Setting your 2024 Crafting Intentions
3 min read time
Have you been toying with the idea of picking up a pair of knitting needles? Have you always been a master of 1 craft and are now ready to master the next? Or are you hoping to find a community of like-minded crafters to share the joy of your crafting journey, and maybe a little positive reinforcement when thinking 'Do I really need more yarn?' (The answer is always yes, by the way.)
Read on to discover inspiration for new projects, how to set yourself challenges, and connect with a wider community of crafters.
To start, first let's look back at what you have achieved in 2023, reflect and celebrate those steps.
Now, realise what your goal(s) is for 2024. Will this be the year that you finally pick a brand new craft? Are you keen to master a specific sets of techniques within the knitting realm? Or to complete a specific set amount of projects by end of the year?
Keep a notebook dedicated to tracking all your 2024 crafting projects and goals so you can mark your progress as you achieve each milestone you’ve set yourself.
Working on achievable goals
Sometimes a crafty goal doesn't have to be overly massive and grand. It can be everyday achievable steps that will lead to a lifestyle change. Here are some ideas to get you started:
- This year, I will work on gifting handmade items.
- I will not begin a new project until I have finished my current one.
- Every yarn purchase this year will be made once I have a project in mind.
- I would like to only work from my stash this year.
- Every evening, I would like to set time aside for crafting instead of scrolling.
Become part of the crafting community
One of our favourite things about being crafters, are the friendships we weave along the way! Here are some of the ways you can share tips, tricks, and inspiration with fellow crafters and creatives:
Share your makes
Sharing your makes and finished projects on social media can lead to new discoveries of other crafts. Tag us and use the hashtag #ssfeaturefriday and we will be in touch for our new Feature Friday repost, of what our makers are currently working on. With a name shout out, you can definitely meet more makers virtually this way.
Crafting Groups & Workshops
Workshops are a great way to meet other crafters and improve your skills! Check out your local haberdashery stores for any weekly craft nights available. Alternatively, why not start your very own craft group? Share your love of crafting with friends and family. You could even set up a craft night for a group and work on the same project together.
Follow us!
Discover pattern inspiration, and share photos of your project’s progress with a community of crafters on Instagram and Facebook.
Which project is right for me?
Before you start a new project, make sure your pattern is the right level of challenge: If you’ve mastered the crochet basics, a beginner kit might be too easy for you. On the flip side, if you’re a new crafter we wouldn’t recommend jumping into an intermediate level kit.
Have a read of our kit levels guide to take a look at the skills used in each level of our knitting and crochet kits, and find the right level for you.
Where to begin
Tips for beginner crafters
If you’re looking to pick up some knitting, crochet, or cross stitch for the first time, we’re here to help you with every step of your journey! The important thing is to start with the basics, and to be kind to yourself; learning something new takes a little time and patience, but nothing beats the feeling you get when you finish your first project. Find the tools and tutorials you need to start your adventure at our Beginners Hub.
Want to know more? Head to our blog for guides on getting started, knitting tips, and crochet tips.
Kits for beginners
Here’s a small selection of some of our most popular kits for knitting, crochet, and cross stitch beginners:
Find your Club Cross Stitch Kit
You’ll learn how to secure your fabric inside an embroidery hoop, then how to work back and forth across rows to sew crosses and build up your design. You’ll also have a choice of 2 types of pattern charts: 1 in colour and another with symbols to follow.

Avery Crochet Beanie Crochet kit
This kit is ideal for beginners who want to get more familiar with different crochet stitches and techniques. With a simple pattern, this project will teach you how to create a straight forward beanie, and add pom pom to your finished project.

Need a hand?
Our mission is to make crafting simple, and provide everything you need to work on your new project. We have tutorial videos for knitting, crochet, and cross stitch to guide you through every stitch, and a team of been-there-made-that crafters on hand to answer any questions you might have - just drop us an email on hello@stitchandstory.com